
Unit 2B

I´m __________ I´ll win the award this year. I ______________the Bristol Bank robbery ___________. Heh, heh. Smart Alec will __________ so ______________! Yes, Mrs Basset. You ______ find your dog, Pinkie Pooch?.....Ok – I´ll come and see you _______________. Yes, Mrs Basset. I´m on my _____________. Don´t ____________. I´ll find Pinkie Pooch. Pinkie Pooch _____________ home by the weekend. Oh no! I haven´t got __________money _______ a taxi. Hmm....I´ll go ____ the bank _____. Well, I ________that dog. Hi, Sweet Sue. I´ve got something to ________you. Oh, not now, Smart Alec. I need a __________. I ´m _________. But the President of the Detective Club ___________this morning with this award, and......What? I don´t ___________it. You ___________the award? No, Sweet Sue....The award _______ for you! The President _________ it with me, because you ________________in. Aaaaarg


Write your reactions to the problems. Use these verbs: get, send, take, help, answer, show

  1. I can´t find the book in the library. –
  2. I can´t take you in the car. –
  3. I forgot about Sally´s birthday! –
  4. I am tired and I need a rest. –
  5. The phone is ringing but I am cooking. –
  6. The dog needs to go out. –

Cena, odměna                                                                       do pátku                                                         hodit

potřebovat                                                                 On nevyřešil případ.

Proč byli unavení?                                                     My budeme žárliví.

Unit 1D

Kdo byl v kině?

Jeho kamarádi nebyli doma.

Kde její máma pracovala?

Jejich otec se s námi nesetkal.

Rád bych přišel.

Co jsi dělal minulý víkend?                                                  




It´s a bit boring.



My niece got married  four years ago.

When did he want to leave?             

Loads                                      nice





1.     Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

Paul  …………….(be) very excited yesterday. ) for it,“his dad says. „After your first flight in space, you …………. Be the most famous twelve-year-old in the world!‘


K.   Now Rob and Sally ………………………together at the same hospital.

1.     Make yes / no questions using the prompts:

Example: you / often / go /swimming               Do you often go swimming?



e.     you and your brother / watch TV / tomorrow evening?