
  1. Fill in: can, can´t, could, couldn´t, have to, don´t have to, didn´t have to, mustn´t
  1. The food was so bad that we..............................eat it.
  2. My grandmother ..................................use the smartphone, she doesn´t want to learn to use it.
  3. You ....................................smoke at school!
  4. John´s won the lottery so he....................................work.
  5. She ...............................ride a bike when she was four.
  6. I.....................................do any homework when I was on holiday.
  7. My sister ..............................help me with my homework because she is a teacher.
  8. My father is a policeman. He ............................. wear a uniform.
  9. We....................................get up tomorrow because it is Saturday.
  1. Translate:
  1. Oni nesmí psát na zdi.
  2. Vy jste nemuseli pracovat každý den.
  3. Ona nemohla jet na výlet.
  4. Já jsem musel včera umýt nádobí.
  1. Film stunts – stuntman – do sešitu!!!

Vyberte si oblíbený film či seriál - napište jméno filmu, proč se vám líbí a jaké kaskadérské kousky(stunts) v něm jsou a kdo je dělal a co se kaskadérovi případně stalo či mohlo stát