
Příprava na září :)

Prosím vás, abyste si na září připravili:

1. poslech těchto videí - budu ověřovat porozumění textu, vyprávění

Jack and the Beanstalk

Five Peas

The Selfish Giant

2. odpovědi na otázky k tomuto příběhu (poslouchali jsme ve škole...). Na základě otázek budu zkoušet vyprávění příběhu.

Justin Time opened his eyes slowly. He was on a bed in a ___________room. The bed was very hard. Chelsea was there, too. She was ___________sad. „Are you all right?‘ she __________quietly. „It ___________matter. You´re both ______________to die here.“ It was Justin´s old enemy, Dr X. She laughed horribly. „I´ve got the computer now. So goodbye, Mr Time.“ Dr X ___________the room and the guard locked the door. „We _________ stop her,“ said Justin. „With that computer she can _____________all the world´s satellites.“ „I think we can _____________easily,“ whispered Chelsea. „That guard is very slow. Listen.“ „That´s a good idea,“ said Justin. Then he _____________very loudly. „Oh, my stomach! Help!Help!“ The guard rushed into the room. „What´s all that horrible noise?“ he said. Chelsea was by the door. She ___________the blanket over the guard´s head, while Justin quickly grabbed the ______________from the guard´s belt. They locked the guard in the room and ran __________. „You did that very well,“ said Justin. „Oh, it was easy,“ said Chelsea. Well, can you run fast,too?“ he said, and they ran to the harbour. „Look,“ said Justin.“That´s Dr X´s boat. She´s ___________ to ________ the computer to her secret island. Come on.“ They got into the boat and hid ______________the seats. Soon Dr X _____________. She carefully put a briefcase on the seat and started the engine. The boat was very fast. When they ___________ near the island, Dr X opened the briefcase. „With this computer I´m going to _____________ the world,“ she said. _________ Justin jumped up and _______________the briefcase. „Give that to me,“ said DrX. She grabbed the briefcase and pulled hard. But the briefcase was open and the computer ___________into the water. „Aren´t you going to jump in and _________it,DrX?“ asked Justin. „I ______________swim!“ she said sadly, as the computer slowly sank to the ________________of the sea. „The world is safe again now,“ said Justin. While he watched DrX, Chelsea ___________the boat safely back to the harbour.

  1. Why did Dr X want the computer?
  1. How did Justin and Chelsea escape from the room?
  1. What did they do with the guard?
  1. Where did Justin and Chelsea go after they escaped?
  1. Where did they hide?
  1. Where did Dr X want to go?
  1. What happened to the computer?
  1. Why didn´t DrX try to save the computer?

3. Opakovat si vazby: must/ mustn´t / have to / has to/ don´t have to / doesn´t have to

4. Opakovat si nepravidelná slovesa:

Leave –left - left

Break – broke - broken

Forget – forgot - forgotten

Steal – stole - stolen

Eat – ate - eaten

Go – went - gone

Have – had - had

Put – put - put

Find – found - found

Sit – sat - sat

Lose – lost - lost

Drive – drove - driven

Swim – swam - swum

Sleep – slept - slept

Write – wrote - written

Be  - was, were - been

Say – said - said

Give – gave - given

Take – took - taken

Come – came - come

Do – did - done

Drink – drank - drunk

Get – got - got

Know – knew - known

Make – made - made

Run – ran - run

See – saw - seen

Sit – sat - sat

Speak – spoke - spoken

Think – thought – thought

Bite – bit – bitten

Read – read – read

Bring – brought – brought

Drive – drove - driven

V úterý 28. dubna - test ze slovíček Unit 5 A,B,C,D
Ve středu 29. dubna - zkoušení z rozhovorů - Looking for a camp
Domácí úkol - Pracovní sešit - napiš 3 otázky k tabulce na straně 51, cv. 3, příklad - Je Francie starší než Bulharsko? Které letiště je nejrušnější?